I nuovi diffusori acustici Guarneri Evolution sono espressione di grande rinnovamento nella continuità; rappresentano infatti l’evoluzione dei precedenti diffusori Guarneri, Homage e Memento, ottenuta grazie ad un insieme di soluzioni tecnico-brevettuali, frutto dell’esperienza e della grande quantità di conoscenze maturate da Sonus faber. Il desiderio di migliorare la personalità sonora del prezioso sistema a due vie è stato il primo movente di ogni scelta progettuale: completare la celebrata trasparenza originaria con il calore e la plasticità necessari ad una riproduzione più sensuale ed evocativa, ha significato osare il passaggio dal tradizionale driver da 5” ad un nuovo driver da 7”. Una scelta che si è tradotta nel riporre particolare attenzione nella mescola della membrana e nello sfruttare al massimo le più recenti tecnologie Sonus faber in termini di sistemi di caricamento. La maggiore energia così sprigionata ha portato ad una messa a punto dello scrigno acustico che si avvale di inedite soluzioni legate all’uso combinato di differenti materiali, esaltando così le proverbiali virtù della forma a liuto.
Riportiamo, per completezza di informazione, il comunicato stampa della Sonus Faber in lingua inglese:
The philosophy of Sonus faber in this case is of a humanistic perspective and through this it carries out knowledgeable updating of the first ‘Guarneri’ speakers. Starting from the idea that a musical instrument lives within an environment and becomes part of it, carrying out the functions of both musical source and furnishing. The design choices, the finishes of the new materials, the enhanced quality of manufacture and the extreme attention to every little detail leads to the exceptional fulfilment of both roles.
The new Guarneri Evolution acoustic speakers are an expression of great renewal in continuity. They represent the evolution of the previous Guarneri, Homage and Memento speakers, developed thanks to a combination of patented technical solutions, the result of the experience and the enormous quantity of knowledge matured by Sonus faber.
The desire to improve the sound personality of this precious two-way system was the primary motivation in every design choice: to complement the celebrated original transparency with the warmth and flexibility necessary for a more sensual and suggestive reproduction. This lead to the daring move from a traditional 5” driver to a new 7” driver.
This choice was translated into a particular attention to composition of the membrane and taking advantage of Sonus faber’s most recent technologies in terms of loading systems. The increased energy levels given off brought forth the development of the acoustic case that boasts innovative solutions through the combination of materials, thus exulting the proverbial virtue of the violin form.
The ‘supporting column’ of Guarneri Evolution is more than just a simple pedestal, it contains advanced solutions such as the L.V.T. (Low Vibration Transmission) a system of mechanical uncoupling from the pavement that substantially reduces the transmission of spurious vibrations in the listening environment and inhibits the produce of damaging phenomenon such as ”acoustic feedback”.
Guarneri Evolution contains numerous other innovative aspects: the “Exo-Squeleton” system formed by two panels in avionic nickel-plated, positioned on the top and bottom of the cabinet and work to contain residual vibrations present in the walls of the case.
The two panels are joined by a double wing, also in avionic, that channels the spurious oscillations towards a differential frequency “Tuned Mass Damper”, a device used in the worlds highest skyscrapers and in F1 racing cars, which dissipates the structural resonance. Thus carrying out a therm-kinetic conversion of residual vibrations.
Furthermore the “Stealth Reflex” system is an innovative and patented solution to implement a para-aperiodic vented system. This system guarantees important advantages in terms of reducing the dimensions of the cabinet, better low frequencies and a drastic reduction in every form of distortion. It also has the advantage of eliminating spurious aerodynamic noises typical of classic bass-reflex systems.
The wood finishes help to make Guarneri Evolution an object of refined design and, in the tradition of the great violin makers, are made up of the meticulous application of seven coats of varnish and the painstaking mirror polishing carried out by hand by master craftsmen. The treatment of the avionic surfaces is done through an avant guard and exclusive multiphase process where each application of chemical nickel plating is followed by the time consuming process of mirror polishing, this too hand done by master craftsmen.
Many professionals listen to music through these speakers, including Uto Ughi and Salvatore Accardo.
Web: www.sonusfaber.com
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